1. 25 Push-ups w/ knee ups
2. Sprint up drive way (1/6 of a mile) And then jog back down it.
3. 25 Sandbag Squat press (50lb sand bag)
4. 25 SandBag Rows (100lb SB)
5. 20 Sand bag Front Squat – each rep sand bag starts on the ground (50lb SB)
6. 20 Push-ups w/ SandBag Drag (25lb SB)
7. 100lb sand bag shoulder carry – Run 40-50yards with sand bag on shoulder -throw it down, do 25 pushups – pick it back up and run back with it on the other shoulder
Round 2
1. Push-ups w/ knee ups
2. Sprint up Drive way – Run/sprint back down (don’t hurt yourself)
3. Standing SB Should Press (50lb SB)
4. 40yard Bear Crawl with 25lb SB Drag Up Drive way
5. 25 Squats with 25lb SB on your bag and then walk back down driveway.
6. 25 SandBag Rows (50lb SB)
7. 15 SandBag FrontSquats (50lb SB)
8. 100lb sand bag shoulder carry – Run 40-50yards with sand bag on shoulder -throw it down, do 25 pushups – pick it back up and run back with it on the other shoulder
9. 15 Burpees
Round 3
Light jog up and down the driveway twice.
Cool down.

Antaa energiaa ennen treeniä
Nopea palautuminen treenin jälkeen
Ravinteikas välipala
Sisältää maitoproteiinia ja hydrolysoitua heraproteiinia
Herkulliset maut – testaa ja löydä oma suosikkisi!